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Flutter Google Maps doesn't show location on first launch

I'm using Google Maps (google_maps_flutter: ^2.1.3) in my Flutter app, and when I open the app on the phone for the first time, it asks for location permission. After giving this permission, my location on the Map is not shown with a blue dot and the go to my location button is not visible either. However, after that, when I close the application and open it again, both my location appears with a blue dot and the go to my location button is actively displayed on the screen.

Here is my GoogleMap widget:

                          myLocationEnabled: true,
                          myLocationButtonEnabled: true,
                          mapType: MapType.normal,
                          initialCameraPosition: const CameraPosition(
                            target: LatLng(30, 30),
                            zoom: 4,
                          markers: markers,
                          mapToolbarEnabled: false,

What do I need to do in order for my location to appear on Google Maps after I give location permission when I first open the application?


  • I was initially launching my app from HomePage but to fix this issue I created the transition page LandingPage. In LandingPage, I first checked if the user's location is turned on. I forced the user to turn on their location if it wasn't turned on. If it's turned on, I got the user's location and sent that location to HomePage using constructor. In HomePage, I started the map from this location. Thus, the user gave the location permission on the previous transition page and I used the location we got on that page as the map starting location.

    I performed the following operations on LandingPage:

    bool isLocationEnabled = false;
      bool isLocationEnabledChecked = false;
      double? latMe;
      double? longMe;
      Location _locationTracker = Location();
      Future<void> checkIsLocationEnabled() async {
        isLocationEnabled = await _locationTracker.serviceEnabled();
        setState(() {});
        if (isLocationEnabled) {
          var location = await _locationTracker.getLocation();
          latMe = location.latitude;
          longMe = location.longitude;
        setState(() {
          isLocationEnabledChecked = true;
      void initState() {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
          if (isLocationEnabledChecked) {
            if (isLocationEnabled) {
              return HomePage(
                latitude: latMe,
                longitude: longMe,
            } else {
              return EnableLocationScreen();
          } else {
            return WaitingScreen();

    I performed the following operations on HomePage:

                                    onMapCreated: (GoogleMapController controller) async {
                                      _customInfoWindowController.googleMapController = controller;
                                    onTap: (position) {
                                    onCameraMove: (position) {
                                    myLocationEnabled: true,
                                    myLocationButtonEnabled: true,
                                    mapType: MapType.normal,
                                    initialCameraPosition: CameraPosition(
                                      target: LatLng(widget.latitude ?? 38.917001095328345, widget.longitude ?? 35.532376170158386),
                                      zoom: 15,
                                    markers: markers,
                                    polygons: polygon,
                                    mapToolbarEnabled: false,
                                    minMaxZoomPreference: const MinMaxZoomPreference(10, 20),

    I am using location: ^4.3.0 package.