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Unable to create Service Bus Authorization Rule in Azure

We are using terraform version of 0.12.19 and azurerm provider version 2.10.0 for deploying the service bus and its queues and authorization rules. So when we ran the terraform apply it created the service bus and queue but it throwed the below error for the creation of authorization rules.

But when we checked the azure portal these authorization rules were present and in tf state file as well we were able to find the entries of both the resources and they had a parameter Status as "Tainted" in it.. So when we tried to run the apply again to see if will recreate/replace the existing resources but it was failing with the same error. Now we are unable to proceed further as even when we run the plan for creating the new resources its failing at this point and not letting us proceed further.

We even tried to untainted it and run the apply but it seems still we are getting this issue though the resources doesn't have the status tainted parameter in tf state. Can you please help us here the solution so that we can resolve this. (We can't move forward to new version of terraform cli as there are so many modules dependent on it and it will impact our production deployments as well.)

Error: Error making Read request on Azure ServiceBus Queue Authorization Rule "" (Queue "sample-check-queue" / Namespace "sample-check-bus" / Resource Group "My-RG"): servicebus.QueuesClient#GetAuthorizationRule: Invalid input: autorest/validation: validation failed: parameter=authorizationRuleName constraint=MinLength value="" details: value length must be greater than or equal to 1 azurerm_servicebus_queue_authorization_rule.que-sample-check-lsr: Refreshing state... [id=/subscriptions//resourcegroups/My-RG/providers/Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/sample-check-bus/queues/sample-check-queue/authorizationrules/lsr]

Below is the file code:

provider "azurerm" {
 version  = "=2.10.0"
 features {}
provider "azurerm" {
 features {}
 alias = "cloud_operations"

resource "azurerm_servicebus_namespace" "service_bus" {
name                = "sample-check-bus"
resource_group_name = "My-RG"
location            = "West Europe"
sku                 = "Premium"
capacity            = 1
zone_redundant      = true
tags = {
source = "terraform"

resource "azurerm_servicebus_queue" "que-sample-check" {
name                                    = "sample-check-queue"
resource_group_name                     = "My-RG"
namespace_name                          =                        
dead_lettering_on_message_expiration    = true
requires_duplicate_detection            = false
requires_session                        = false
enable_partitioning                     = false
default_message_ttl                     = "P15D"
lock_duration                           = "PT2M"
duplicate_detection_history_time_window = "PT15M"
max_size_in_megabytes                   = 1024
max_delivery_count                      = 05

resource "azurerm_servicebus_queue_authorization_rule" "que-sample-check-lsr" {
name                = "lsr"
resource_group_name = "My-RG"
namespace_name      =
queue_name          =
listen              = true
send                = true

resource "azurerm_servicebus_queue_authorization_rule" "que-sample-check-AsyncReportBG-AsncRprt" {
name                = "AsyncReportBG-AsncRprt"
resource_group_name = "My-RG"
namespace_name      =
queue_name          =
listen              = true
send                = true
manage              = false


  • Thanks all for your inputs and suggestions.

    Code is working fine now with the terraform provider version 2.56.0 and terraform cli version 0.12.19. Please let me know if any concerns.