I am using unit testing when I run test I am getting following exception
ateinit property fakeAuthRepository has not been initialized kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property fakeAuthRepository has not been initialized
below my ViewModel test where test giving an exception
internal class SignInViewModelTest{
private val _login = MutableStateFlow<UiStateObject<SignInResponse>>(UiStateObject.EMPTY)
lateinit var backendApi:BackendApi
lateinit var fakeAuthRepository: FakeAuthRepository
lateinit var authRepository: AuthRepository
private lateinit var viewModel: SignInViewModel
fun setUp() {
fakeAuthRepository = FakeAuthRepository(backendApi)
authRepository = AuthRepository(backendApi)
viewModel = SignInViewModel(authRepository)
var login = _login
fun `testing repository`() = runBlockingTest {
val fake = fakeAuthRepository.login("kyodgorbek@gmail.com", "12345678", "android", "123455")
val real = authRepository.login("kyodgorbek@gmail.com", "12345678", "android", "123455")
assertEquals(fake, real)
is junit4 annotation.
If you are using junit5 you have to replace it with @BeforeEach