Question Updated
I am building an MVC framework, for my templates and views, I will have a main page template file and my views will be included into this template.
The only way I have seen to do this is to use output buffereing
include 'userProfile.php';
$content = ob_get_clean();
Is there any other way of doing this? I think output buffering is not the best on performance as it uses a lot of memory
Here is a sample controller, the $this->view->load('userProfile', $profileData);
is the part that will be loaded using output biffering so that it can be included into the main template below into the $content part
view class
public function load($view,$data = null) {
if($data) {
$this->data = $data;
} elseif($this->data != null) {
require(APP_PATH . "Views/$view.php");
$content = ob_get_clean();
* Example Controller
class User_Controller extends Core_Controller {
function profile($userId)
// load a Model
//GET data from a Model
$profileData = $this->profile_model->getProfile($userId);
// load view file
$this->view->load('userProfile', $profileData);
main site template
<?php echo $content; ?>
Using a template system is not necessarily tied to output buffering. There are a couple of things in the example code you give that should certainly not be taken for granted:
flushblocks(); // what does this do??
And two:
$s = ob_get_clean();
Why does the code capture the template output into a variable? Is it necessary to do some processing on this before outputting it? If not, you could simply lose the output buffering calls and let the output be sent to the browser immediately.