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How to select the previous tag when re finds the str

I have an HTML file like this:(More than 100 records)

<div class="cell-62 pl-1 pt-0_5">
    <h3 class="very-big-text light-text">John Smith</h3>
        <span class="light-text">Center - VAR - Employee I</span>

<div class="cell-62 pl-1 pt-0_5">
    <h3 class="very-big-text light-text">Jenna Smith</h3>
        <span class="light-text">West - VAR - Employee I</span>

<div class="cell-62 pl-1 pt-0_5">
    <h3 class="very-big-text light-text">Jordan Smith</h3>
        <span class="light-text">East - VAR - Employee II</span>

I need to extract the names IF they are Employee I, which makes it challenging. How can I select those tags that have Employee I in the next tag? Or should I use a different method? Is it even possible to use condition in this case?

with open("file.html", 'r') as input:
html =
    print('\bEmployee I\b',html).group(0))

Like, how can I specify to go to read previous tag?


  • import re
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    with open('inputfile.html', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        soup = BeautifulSoup(, 'html.parser')
    names = [span.parent.find('h3').string 
             for span in 
                           string=re.compile('Employee I$'))


    ['John Smith', 'Jenna Smith']

    I've formatted the list comprehension over several lines, for clarity, so that it may be easier to see where to adjust things accordingly to other use cases. Of course, a normal for-loop and appending to a list also works fine; I just like list comprehensions.

    The re.compile('Employee I$') is necessary to avoid matching on 'Employee II'. The class_ argument is an extra, and may not be needed.

    The rest is near self-explanatory, especially with the BeautifulSoup documentation next to it.

    Note that if the .string attribute used to be .text, in case you're using an older version of BeautifulSoup.