hi I'm trying to make a frog that jumps when the player gets close I tried this
onready var playerpos = get_parent().get_node("player").position
onready var playerpos = get_parent().get_node("player").global_position
and get this error
Invaled get index 'position' (on base: 'null instance')
Null instance means that the object you are trying to get, doesn't exist. And that is, because you are asking for its position, before it even enters the scene.
However, what you are trying to do, is completely unnecessary. You already have a main scene, so that should be able to access all of its nodes global position, without having to call the entire object.
Access your player's position from the main scene, not the frog scene.
That is, if you want the players position. What you want to do, however, does not require that.
You need to have an area node attached to the frog, that detects and sends a signal, when it detects a physics object. After which you simply check, whether the physics object is player or not, and execute the appropriate action.