I am building kiosk application (Android 10) and I need to run only one app on my tablet. I want also to upload my app to PlayStore and download it.
I am reading a lot of posts as a conclusion I don't know what is the best choice.
Let me explain what I did.
adb shell dpm set-active-admin --user current package_name/device_admin_receiver
adb shell dpm set-device-owner --user current package_name/device_admin_receiver
It's endless loop.
What I want download app from PlayStore and make it device owner and lock app. My tablet should run only one app and the user can't press back,home, recent button to quit from app.
Is there someone that has this experience?
What I want download app from PlayStore and make it device owner and lock app
That is not an option. Device owner apps are only set through a particular process at the time the phone is set up, after the initial purchase or after a factory reset. Mostly, device owner apps are for mobile device management (MDM) systems.
My tablet should run only one app and the user can't press back,home, recent button to quit from app.
Have the app be the launcher app.