Search code examples

Search a file based on a text file's words

I want to search several words at the same time in a text file.

For example think I want to search these 3 words: Majid,superuser,device

Normally I should search for them one by one, and I can not search all of them at the same time. So I want to search these words at the same time in a text file.

I want to enter those 3 words in a text file, one word per line. Let's name it SearchText. Now I have a Target Text which I want to search those words in it. Let's name it TargetText.

I want to tell an app or something similar to get words from SearchText and find them in TargetText and Highlights them or gives me the find result.

I hope I'm clear. So can anyone hep me?


  • You're clear. I think the best option would be Regex.
    Try this:

    Option Explicit
    Dim oFso        : Set oFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Dim srcPath     : SrcPath = oFso.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)
    Dim sWordList   : sWordList = ofso.OpenTextFile(oFso.BuildPath(srcPath, "search.txt")).ReadAll()
    Dim sTargFile   : sTargFile = ofso.OpenTextFile(oFso.BuildPath(srcPath, "target.txt")).ReadAll()
    Dim strWords    : strWords = Join(Split(sWordList, vbCrLf), "|")
    Dim oReg        : Set oReg = New RegExp
    Dim oDict       : Set oDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'for found words
    oDict.CompareMode = vbTextCompare 'case insensitive
    With oReg
        .Global = True
        .IgnoreCase = True
        .Pattern = "("& strWords &")" ' (word1|word2|word3|etc..)
        'if the words contain some special chars for regex, you may need to escape with \ char
        'see the information below:
        Dim collFND : Set collFND = oReg.Execute(sTargFile)
        Dim Fnd
        'WScript.Echo String(50, "-")
        For Each Fnd In collFND
            With Fnd
                'WScript.Echo "Word : "& .Value, ", Position: ("& .FirstIndex &","& .Length &")"
                oDict(.Value) = ""
            End With
        Set collFND = Nothing
        'WScript.Echo String(50, "-"), vbCrLf, "Higlighted Output:", oReg.Replace(sTargFile, "[$1]")
        ofso.CreateTextFile(oFso.BuildPath(srcPath, "foundwords.txt"),True).Write(Join(oDict.Keys, vbCrLf)) 'found words saved
    End With