I installed Heroku CLI with the Windows 64-bit installer found here. Administrator rights were required to install it.
Heroku CLI runs fine when logged in as administrator: screenshot 1
C:\> heroku version
heroku/7.53.0 win32-x64 node-v12.21.0
I cannot run Heroku CLI from a standard non-administrator account: screenshot 2
C:\> heroku version
'heroku' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
How do I run Heroku CLI without administrator rights?
You have to:
Step 1: Go to control panel
Step 2: Go to user account
Step 4: Change my environment variables:
Step 5: Select path
Step 6: Tap edit
Step 7: Add a new one by pressing new
Step 8: Type or browse the /heroku/bin
file directory
wherever you installed it
Step 9: Press ok for all the menus
Step 10: Open a new terminal/powershell/commandprompt
heroku should work