I have an issue with my migrations and my seeder.
I just want seed a product table with category as relations.
Here my Product seeder :
$product = Product::firstOrCreate(
['name' => 'Bla bla bla'],
['category_id' => rand(1,4)],
['code' => "SP" . rand(1, 50) ],
['description' => "Bla bla bla"],
['actual_price' => rand(100, 10000) / 100],
['sale_price' => rand(100, 10000) / 100],
['status' => PublishStatus::PUBLISHED()]
Here my Product migrations table :
Schema::create('products', function (Blueprint $table) {
When I run migrations and seeding like this :
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
everything going well BUT, I have only the column "name" who is filled like this :
#attributes: array:15 [
"id" => 4
"category_id" => 4
"name" => "Active Directory Pentest"
"code" => ""
"description" => null
"actual_price" => 0.0
"sale_price" => 0.0
"status" => "unpublished"
"is_featured" => 0
"opening_quantity" => 0.0
"alert_quantity" => 0.0
"quantity" => 0.0
"created_at" => "2022-09-20 09:46:01"
"updated_at" => "2022-09-20 09:46:01"
"deleted_at" => null
And I don't understand why...
(I don't want use faker factory because I have to use real data in my seeder)
// First array will check. If not exist than create
'email' => 'dummy@domain.example'
'firstName' => 'Taylor',
'lastName' => 'Otwell'
#Your code
$product = Product::firstOrCreate([
'name' => 'Bla bla bla'//This name will check exist or not
], [
'category_id' => rand(1,4),
'code' => "SP" . rand(1, 50),
'description' => "Bla bla bla",
'actual_price' => (rand(100, 10000) / 100),
'sale_price' => (rand(100, 10000) / 100),
'status' => PublishStatus::PUBLISHED()