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Why Json Unmarshall changing array type in Golang?

I'm trying to seed my Postgres database as functionally. In my case, SeedSchema() function can take any type struct. So I define a interface and create functions to my structs which will seed. I tried with generics and without.

When I unmarshall any json array from file as byte array, json.Unmarshall method change my tempMember member of struct. Exp, models.Term to map[string]interface{}. I've used unmarshall before this function and I've not seen like this situation.

Here is my SeedSchema() function:

func (db *Database) SeedSchema(models ...globals.Seeder[any]) error {
var (
    subjects []globals.Seeder[any]
    fileByte []byte
    err      error
    // tempMember any
if len(models) == 0 {
    subjects = seederModelList
} else {
    subjects = models
for _, model := range subjects {
    fileName, tempMember := model.Seed()
    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", reflect.TypeOf(tempMember)) //1
    if fileByte, err = os.ReadFile("db/seeds/" + fileName); err != nil {
        return err
    if err = json.Unmarshal(fileByte, &tempMember); err != nil {
        return err
    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", reflect.TypeOf(tempMember)) //2

return nil 

First print returns []models.AirportCodes and the second []interface {}.

Here is my interface and model:

func (AirportCodes) Seed() (string, any) {
    return "airport_codes.json", []AirportCodes{}

type Seeder[T any] interface {
    Seed() (string, T)
    // Seed(*gorm.DB) error
    TableName() string

seederModelList = []globals.Seeder[any]{


  • After a few weeks, I have looking for solve this problem and look unmarshaler interfaces and examples. Then Like what icza said, I started to look over the my code that convention between types and I solved like this. If you guys have better answer than mine, please add answer.


            "name":"Term 1",
            "content": [


    [{ID:1 Name:Term 1 Content:[a1 a2 a3]}]

    UnmarshalJSON Function:

    func (term *Term) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
        tempMap := map[string]interface{}{}
        if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tempMap); err != nil {
            return err
        *term = Term{
            Name: tempMap["name"].(string),
        if tempMap["content"] != nil {
            for _, v := range tempMap["content"].([]interface{}) {
                (*term).Content = append((term).Content, v.(string))
        return nil

    Thank you for comments.