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How to make Typeorm QueryBuilder work for AND and OR inside AND operators?

Hi I have written the following Typeform Querybuilder code ...

queryBuilder.andWhere('tdm.type =:type', { type: filters.type })
    queryBuilder.andWhere('tdm.form =:form', { form: filters.formId })

    if (filters.orLeadId && filters.orSupportId) {
      queryBuilder.andWhere(subQb => {
        subQb.where('tdm.leadId = :lead', { lead: filters.orLeadId }),
          subQb.orWhere('tdm.supportId = :support', {
            support: filters.orSupportId,

But it results in neglecting the andWhere Operators and results in the following query

SELECT "tdm"."id" AS "tdm_id", "tdm"."form_id" AS "tdm_form_id" FROM "tdm" "tdm" WHERE "tdm"."lead_id" = $1 OR "tdm"."support_id" = $2

Can anyone help me to get the above code right please!!!


  • I think new Brackets will have to be used here so the clause containing the two conditions to be OR'ed are inside the brackets after AND as it would be when writing in plain SQL

      .andWhere('tdm.type =:type', { type: filters.type })
      .andWhere('tdm.form =:form', { form: filters.formId })
      if (filters.orLeadId && filters.orSupportId) {
          new Brackets(subQb => {
              .where('tdm.leadId = :lead', { lead: filters.orLeadId })
              .orWhere('tdm.supportId = :support', { support: filters.orSupportId })