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Winsock: Overlapped AcceptEx indicates a new connection while no client connecting

In my program I am using the overlapped version of AcceptEx() to accept new connections. After a new connection has been accepted, the programm initiates another overlapped call to AcceptEx() for accepting more connections. This works fine and I can connect multiple clients to the server successfully.

But if I just connect one client and let the server-application call WSARecv (overlapped) on this socket, AcceptEx() magically accepts a new "ghost"-connection (There is the first client running doing nothing). When I call WSARecv on that, of course - it gives an error.

The program incorporates an I/O-Completion Port for all the overlapped calls.

I don´t know where the fake connection comes from. But that it seems to be a bug in my code that I am unable to find.

Things i can definetly exclude from being the errors reason: 1.The overlapped-structures i use and the parameter for casting works correct. 2. The IOCP-wrapper class.

Following is the relevant code (in my opinion) - if You need more, tell me, please :)

    Server.Start();         //Run-loop


    //Create the listen socket...
    Ret = InitAcceptorSocket(strLocalAddress, strListenPort, nBacklog);
    if(Ret != Inc::INC_OK)
        return Ret;

    //...Associate it with the IOCP
    if(!m_pIOCP->AssociateHandle((HANDLE) m_pListenSocket->operator size_t(), 2))
        return Inc::INC_FATAL;


CServer::InitAcceptorSocket(const std::wstring& strLocalAddress, const std::wstring& strListenPort, int nBacklog)
    //Create the socket
    m_pListenSocket.reset(new Inc::CSocket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP));

    //Bind to specific port
    if(!m_pListenSocket->Bind(Inc::WStringToString(strLocalAddress), Inc::WStringToString(strListenPort)))      //Works as bind just calls getadrrinfo within itself

    //Put the socket into listen mode
    if(!m_pListenSocket->Listen(nBacklog))      //simple listen-wrapper: just calls the function and returns status indication

//Starts the server's work-cycle
    //Call accept

    //Resume the threads
    //std::for_each(m_vecThreadHandles.begin(), m_vecThreadHandles.end(), [] (HANDLE hThread) {::ResumeThread(hThread);} );

    //TEST: Enter the Loop, too

    return Inc::INC_OK;

//Worker thread proc
uintptr_t WINAPI ServerMainWorkerThreadProc(void* pvArgs)
    CServer* pServer = (CServer*)pvArgs;
    bool bLooping = true;

            bLooping = pServer->DoWork();
    catch(Inc::CException& e)

    return 0;

bool CServer::DoWork()

    DWORD dwBytes = 0;
    ULONG_PTR ulKey = 0;
    OVERLAPPED* pOverlapped = nullptr;

    //Dequeue a completion packet
    if(!m_pIOCP->GetCompletionStatus(&dwBytes, &ulKey, &pOverlapped, INFINITE))
        //error stuff

    //Check for termination request:
    if(!dwBytes && !ulKey && !pOverlapped)
        return false;

    //Convert the Overlapped and check which work has to be done
    case WT_ACCEPT:                 //A new connection has been accepted
    case WT_SEND:                   //Send data
    case WT_RECV:                   //Data has been received

    return true;

    //New connection has been accepted
bool CServer::HandleAcceptedConnection(WORK_ACCEPT* pWork)
    //Create a new client socket object
    std::unique_ptr<Inc::CSocket> pSocket(new Inc::CSocket(pWork->SocketNewConnection));        //obtains the nescessary information (like AF_INET , etc by calls to getsockopt - works fine)

    //Associate with the IOCP
    if(!m_pIOCP->AssociateHandle((HANDLE)((SOCKET)(*(pSocket.get()))), 2))
        //Report the error

    //Queue a recv-packet
        //Report the error

    //Release the client-socket-object

    //Call accept another time

    delete pWork;

    return true;

//Call Recv on the socket
bool CServer::DoCallRecv(Inc::CSocket* pSocket)
    //Create the work object for receiving data
    std::unique_ptr<WORK_RECV> pWorkRecv(new WORK_RECV);
    memset((OVERLAPPED*)pWorkRecv.get(), 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED));
    pWorkRecv->pSocket = pSocket;

    //Call Recv
    std::string strRecvBuffer;      //temporary receive buffer for immediate completion
    short sRet = pSocket->Recv(strRecvBuffer, pWorkRecv->pTestWSABuf, 2048, (OVERLAPPED*)pWorkRecv.get());
        //release the work item so it is still on the heap when the overlapped operation completes

    return true;

//Queue a call to accept
bool CServer::DoCallAccept(Inc::CSocket* pListenSocket)
    //Create the overlapped-structure
    std::unique_ptr<WORK_ACCEPT> pWork(new WORK_ACCEPT);
    memset((OVERLAPPED*)pWork.get(), 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED));
    pWork->pListenSocket = pListenSocket;
    pWork->pSocket = m_pListenSocket.get();

    //Call accept
    pWork->SocketNewConnection = m_pListenSocket->Accept(nullptr, nullptr, (OVERLAPPED*)pWork.get());

    //Release the work object

    return true;

//The accept function for My custom socket-wrapper-class
SOCKET Inc::CSocket::Accept(sockaddr_storage* pAddr, int* pAddrLen, OVERLAPPED* pOverlapped)
    else        //Overlapped
        //create the client socket
        SOCKET ClientSock = socket(m_SocketAF, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
        if(ClientSock == INVALID_SOCKET)
            throw(Inc::CException(WSAGetLastError(), "Socket creation failed."));
        //address structure & size
        sockaddr_storage *ClientAddress = {0}; DWORD dwClientAddressSize = sizeof(sockaddr_storage);
        //output buffer
        //char acOutputBuffer[(2 * sizeof(sockaddr_storage)) + 32] = "";
        //received bytes
        DWORD dwBytes = 0;

        if(m_lpfnAcceptEx(m_Socket, ClientSock, (PVOID)m_acOutputBuffer, 0, (dwClientAddressSize + 16), (dwClientAddressSize + 16), &dwBytes, pOverlapped) == FALSE)
            int nError = WSAGetLastError();
            if(nError != WSA_IO_PENDING)
                throw(Inc::CException(nError, "AcceptEx failed."));

            return ClientSock;

        //if immidiately & successfully connected, get the client address

        return ClientSock;

//The receive function
short Inc::CSocket::RecvHelper(std::string& strIncomingDataBuffer, WSABUF*& pWSABuf, unsigned int nBytesToRecv, OVERLAPPED* pOverlapped)
    int iRet = 0;                   //ret code
    DWORD dwReceived = 0, dwFlags = 0;

    //Clear the Buffer

    //create the receiving buffer
    std::unique_ptr<char[]> pcBuf(new char[nBytesToRecv]);
    //create the WSABUF
    std::unique_ptr<WSABUF> pWSABufBuf (new WSABUF);
    pWSABufBuf->len = nBytesToRecv;
    pWSABufBuf->buf = pcBuf.get();

    iRet = WSARecv(m_Socket, pWSABufBuf.get(), 1, pOverlapped ? NULL : (&dwReceived), &dwFlags, pOverlapped, NULL);
    if(iRet == 0)
        //closed (gracefully) by the client (indicated by zero bytes returned)
        if(dwReceived == 0 && (!pOverlapped))
            return REMOTECONNECTION_CLOSED;     //return

        //successfull received
        strIncomingDataBuffer.assign(pWSABufBuf->buf, dwReceived);

        return SUCCESS;
    if(iRet == SOCKET_ERROR)
        int nError = WSAGetLastError();

        //Overlapped transaction initiated successfully
        //waiting for completion
        if(nError == WSA_IO_PENDING)
            //release the buffers
            pWSABuf = pWSABufBuf.release();     //hand it over to the user

            return REMOTETRANSACTION_PENDING;   //return "transaction pending"-status

        //forced closure(program forced to exit)
        if(nError == WSAECONNRESET)

EDIT: Wrote a test-server which works just fine

//Accept a new connection
        ACCEPTLAPPED* pOverAccept = new ACCEPTLAPPED;
        pOverAccept->pSockListen = &SockListen;
        pOverAccept->pSockClient = new Inc::CSocket(SockListen.Accept(nullptr, nullptr, pOverAccept));

        //Main loop
        DWORD dwBytes = 0, dwFlags = 0;
        ULONG_PTR ulKey = 0;
        OVERLAPPED* pOverlapped = nullptr;
            dwBytes = 0; dwFlags = 0; ulKey = 0; pOverlapped = nullptr;

            //Dequeue a packet
            pIOCP->GetCompletionStatus(&dwBytes, &ulKey, &pOverlapped, INFINITE);

            case 1:     //Accept
                    //ASsociate handle
                    ACCEPTLAPPED* pOld = (ACCEPTLAPPED*)pOverlapped;
                    pIOCP->AssociateHandle((HANDLE)(pOld->pSockClient)->operator SOCKET(),2);
                    //call recv
                    RECVLAPPED* pRecvLapped = new RECVLAPPED;
                    pRecvLapped->pSockClient = pOld->pSockClient;
                    short sRet = (pRecvLapped->pSockClient)->Recv(pRecvLapped->strBuf, pRecvLapped->pBuf, 10, pRecvLapped);

                    //Call accept again
                    ACCEPTLAPPED* pNewAccLapp = new ACCEPTLAPPED;
                    pNewAccLapp->pSockListen = ((ACCEPTLAPPED*)pOverlapped)->pSockListen;
                    pNewAccLapp->pSockClient = new Inc::CSocket((pNewAccLapp->pSockListen)->Accept(nullptr, nullptr, pNewAccLapp));

                    delete pOverlapped;
            case 2:     //Recv
                    RECVLAPPED* pOld = (RECVLAPPED*)pOverlapped;
                        delete pOld->pSockClient;
                        delete pOld;
                    cout << std::string(pOld->pBuf->buf, pOld->pBuf->len) <<endl;


  • Did clean up and rewrite the issued part of the code: Works now....

    But the funny thing is: while comparing the two "codes" with each other... the the calls etc are still the same...