Using the code here, how would I change the value of stock
for all the products with newstock
products = {
"apple": {"price": 3.5, "stock": 134},
"banana": {"price": 6.82, "stock": 52},
"cake": {"price": 23, "stock": 5}
newstock = input("Enter amount to set :")
I assume a for loop like this would work
for x in products:
products []["stock"]=newstock
But I'm not sure what to put in the empty []
Here is what you want to do
products = {
"apple": {"price": 3.5, "stock": 134},
"banana": {"price": 6.82, "stock": 52},
"cake": {"price": 23, "stock": 5}
newstock = int(input("Enter amount to set :"))
for i in products.values():
i['stock'] = newstock
values() is a method that access your dict values that being the other dicts.
You can access a dict value by naming it is key inside brackets. You can loop through the multiple values and there you go.