I want to simplify a method of sorting number and string values, where first, I check if my passed parameter (which is of type DeliveryDetailsColumns contants) is the same string as the one parameter of another type (EletronicDeliveryType)
export const DeliveryDetailsColumns = {
Title: "title",
ExpectedDelivery: "expectedDelivery",
Price: "price",
Quantity: "quantity",
export interface ElectronicDeliveryType {
title?: string;
quantity?: number;
price?: number;
expectedDelivery?: string;
I have the array of objects in pinia of name filteredValues, type of ElectronicDeliveryType. I want to sort selected column, for now I have not so generic method where I do a switch case through all of the DeliveryDetailsColumns options and I would like to make it generic with the names of ElectronicDeliveryType - DeliveryDetailsColumns check and check of the types of property, what can be the solution here?
sortBySelectedColumnOrder(columnName: string, sortOrder: string) {
if (sortOrder === "ascending") {
switch (columnName) {
case DeliveryDetailsColumns.Title:
this.filteredValues.sort((a, b) =>
a!.title!.toLowerCase() > b!.title!.toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1
case DeliveryDetailsColumns.Price:
this.filteredValues.sort((a, b) => a!.price! - b!.price!);
Make a map of delivery details to their respective comparator function:
const comparators = new Map<
keyof typeof DeliveryDetailsColumns,
(a: ElectronicDeliveryType, b: ElectronicDeliveryType) => number
[DeliveryDetailsColumns.Title, (a, b) => a!.title!.toLowerCase() > b!.title!.toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1],
[DeliveryDetailsColumns.Price, (a, b) => a!.price! - b!.price!)],
Then you can just do a lookup on the map:
But make sure to check if the column exists first:
if (!comparators.has(columnName)) { ... }