The following scenarios are frequently used in asynchronous programming.
So I ran some comparison tests on a lower performance cloud host (equivalent to j1900) as follows. I found that the performance of rust-tokio is very, very poor compared to go-lang.
Is there any parameter that needs to be adjusted? Can a single thread executor improve it?
tx/rx, time per op: go-lang: 112 ns,
tokio::sync::mpsc::channel: 7387 ns;
std::sync::channel: 2705 ns,
crossbean: 1062 ns.
mutex lock/unlock, per op:
tokio::sync::Mutex 4051 ns
std::sync::Mutex 321 ns
spawn (not join), per op:
tokio::spawn: 8445 ns
Rust tokio test tx/rx on channel
async fn test_chan_benchmark() {
let count = 100_000;
let (tx, mut rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(10000);
let start = std::time::SystemTime::now();
let handle = tokio::spawn(async move {
loop {
let i = rx.recv().await.unwrap();
if i == count - 1 {
for i in 0..count {
let stop = std::time::SystemTime::now();
let dur = stop.duration_since(start).unwrap();
"count={count}, cosume={}ms, ops={}ns",
dur.as_nanos() / count as u128,
Go channel tx/rx:
func TestChanPerformance(t *testing.T) {
count := 1000000
ch := make(chan int, count)
rsp := make(chan int, 1)
t1 := time.Now()
go func() {
for {
if _, ok := <-ch; !ok {
rsp <- 0
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
ch <- i
d := time.Since(t1)
t.Logf("txrx %d times consumed %d ms, %d nspo", count, d.Milliseconds(), d.Nanoseconds()/int64(count))
Mutex test:
async fn bench_std_mutex() {
for count in [1_000, 10_000, 100_000] {
let start = std::time::SystemTime::now();
let under = Arc::new(std::sync::Mutex::new(0));
for _ in 0..count {
let _ = under.lock().unwrap();
let stop = std::time::SystemTime::now();
let dur = stop.duration_since(start).unwrap();
"count={count}, cosume={}ms, ops={}ns",
dur.as_nanos() / count as u128,
Tokio spawn test:
async fn bench_tokio_spawn() {
let count = 100_000;
//let mut ths = Vec::with_capacity(count);
let start = std::time::SystemTime::now();
for _ in 0..count {
tokio::spawn(async move {});
let stop = std::time::SystemTime::now();
let dur = stop.duration_since(start).unwrap();
//for _ in 0..count {
// ths.pop().unwrap().await.unwrap();
// do not wait for join, just spawn
"count={count}, cosume={}ms, ops={}ns",
dur.as_nanos() / count as u128,
=============UPDATED=========== For --release:
std::mpsc::Mutex: 13ns;
tokio::mpsc::Mutex: 130ns;
std::mpsc::channel: 200ns;
tokio::mpsc::channel: 256ns;
tokio::spawn: 553ns;
Add --release
to instruct the compiler to perform optimizations.
To demonstrate just how much of a difference this makes, here is a simple add
function compiled with and without optimizations:
pub fn add(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {
a + b
lea eax, [rdi + rsi]
push rax
add edi, esi
mov dword ptr [rsp + 4], edi
setb al
test al, 1
jne .LBB0_2
mov eax, dword ptr [rsp + 4]
pop rcx
lea rdi, [rip + str.0]
lea rdx, [rip + .L__unnamed_1]
mov rax, qword ptr [rip + core::panicking::panic@GOTPCREL]
mov esi, 28
call rax
.ascii "/app/"
.quad .L__unnamed_2
.asciz "\017\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\005\000\000"
.ascii "attempt to add with overflow"
Note that the optimized version does no longer contain an overflow check. The overflow check is very useful during debugging, but also very slow.