Search code examples

ASP.NET Core Web API controller; the LINQ expression could not be translated

I have two SQL Server tables JobOrders and OrderItems. I would like to retrieve data of each JobOrders and order quantity from OrderItems in my ASP.NET Core Web API controller.

My two tables and desired result as follows:


Eid orderID OrderStatus
1 1001 1
2 1002 5
3 1003 3


Eid orderID OrderStatus Qty
1 1001 abc 2
2 1001 adc 1
3 1002 jcb 5
4 1002 vbb 2
5 1002 xyz 8
6 1003 akp 4

Intended Result

OrderID : 1001,
OrderStatus : 1,
Qty : 3
OrderID : 1002,
OrderStatus : 5,
Qty : 15
OrderID : 1003,
OrderStatus : 3,
Qty : 4

This is my controller code:

var query = from orders in myDbContext.JobOrders 
            join allorderitems in myDbContext.OrderItems on orders.Eid equals allorderitems.OrderId into orderitems
            from orderitem in orderitems
                 .GroupBy(i => i.OrderId)
                 .Select(g => new
                                  Qty = g.Sum(i => i.Qty),
            select new
                       OrderID = orders.Oid,
                       OrderStatus = orders.Status,
                       Qty = orderitem.Qty,

var result = query.OrderByDescending(m => m.OrderID).ToList();

return Ok(result);

Postman returns:

500 Internal Server error:

System.InvalidOperationException: The LINQ expression could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to 'AsEnumerable', 'AsAsyncEnumerable', 'ToList', or 'ToListAsync'.


  • Do not use GroupJoin if you do not plan to do LETF JOIN. It has limited support in EF Core.

    var query = 
        from order in myDbContext.JobOrders 
        join oi in myDbContext.OrderItems on order.Eid equals oi.OrderId
        group oi by new { order.OrderId, order.Status } into g
        select new
            OrderID = g.Key.OrderId,
            OrderStatus = g.Key.Status,
            Qty = g.Sum(x => x.Qty)
    var result = query.OrderByDescending(m => m.OrderID).ToList();
    return Ok(result);