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Unable to get event listener call back from WebView in Xamarin forms

I have my mobile application build using Xamarin forms, which consist of a webView loaded into my application. The WebView Consist of buttons and icons being loaded. I have a requirement to make the button event Listener being called , so that I can do the corresponding functionality. Can anyone help me in how to get the button events being called in Xamarin forms.

source code:

Control.SetWebViewClient(new HybridWebViewClient());
            Control.SetWebChromeClient(new MyWebClient(mContext));


 internal class HybridWebViewClient : WebViewClient

            public override async void OnPageFinished(Android.Webkit.WebView view, string url)

                base.OnPageFinished(view, url);

                int i = 10;
                while (view.ContentHeight == 0 && i-- > 0)
                    await Task.Delay(1000);
                    // find the particular button
                    string funcurl = " var btn1 =document.getElementsByClassName('inspectionStartingBtnClose')[0]; if(btn1 != null){btn1.addEventListener('click', function() { alert('dosomething'); })";
                    view.LoadUrl("javascript: r(function(){" + funcurl + "");




  • using System;
    using Android.Content;
    using TestProject.Droid;
    using Xamarin.Forms;
    using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android;
    [assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(Vinspector.HybridWebView), typeof(HybridWebViewRenderer))]
    namespace TestProject.Droid
        public class HybridWebViewRenderer : WebViewRenderer
        const string JavascriptFunction= "document.getElementById('btnId').onclick= function(data){jsBridge.submissionAction(data);}";`
            Context _context;
            public HybridWebViewRenderer(Context context) : base(context)
                _context = context;
            protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<WebView> e)
                if (Control == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("print inside  control is null!!!");
                    var webView = new Android.Webkit.WebView(_context);
                    webView.Settings.JavaScriptEnabled = true;
                    webView.Settings.DatabaseEnabled = true;
                    webView.Settings.DomStorageEnabled = true;
                if (e.OldElement != null)
                    var hybridWebView = e.OldElement as HybridWebView;
                if (e.NewElement != null)
                    Control.Settings.JavaScriptEnabled = true;
                    Control.Settings.DatabaseEnabled = true;
                    Control.Settings.DomStorageEnabled = true;
                   webView.SetWebViewClient(new `JavascriptWebViewClient(this,string.Format("javascript: {0}", JavascriptFunction)));`
                    Control.AddJavascriptInterface(new JSBridge(this), "jsBridge");
            protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
                if (disposing)