Iam trying to insert a new row in profiles
table when a new user is created in auth
table using a trigger in the supabase dashboard
But when creating the function for the trigger I get Failed to create function: failed to update pg.functions with the given ID: syntax error at or near "select"
This is the function that is called in the trigger
insert into public.profiles (id,email,user_name)
values (new.id, new.email, select left(replace(new.email, '.', '-'), charindex('@', replace(new.email, '.', '-')) - 1));
return new;
The profiles table has 3 columns , id,email,user_name
the user_name needs to be characters before "@" in an email , and any "." needs to be replaced with "-" , example : "test.123@test.com" -> "test-123"
Screen shot for the created function in supabase
Iam new to SQL and having trouble figuring this out , any help is must appreciated !
Try phrasing using an INSERT INTO ... SELECT
insert into public.profiles (id, email, user_name)
select new.id, new.email,
left(replace(new.email, '.', '-'), charindex('@', replace(new.email, '.', '-')) - 1));
return new;