I was making an Egg-Open-Gui for a simulator and when I ran the script it always arrored this:
Attempted to call require with invalid argument(s)
Script Players.Robloxgamer_73738.PlayerGui.Menu.EggScript
the so called "Eggscript" is local
here is my script:
local petmodule = require(game:GetService("ServerScriptService"):FindFirstChild("PetModule"))
local cost = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Cost.Value
local player = game.Players.lo
local openOnceButton = script.Parent.OpenOnce
local autoOpenButton = script.Parent.AutoOpen
if player.leaderstats["💸 Money 💸"].Value >= cost then
player.leaderstats["💸 Money 💸"].Value = (player.leaderstats["💸 Money 💸"].Value - cost)
local pet = petmodule.chooseRandomPet()
local petVal = Instance.new("StringValue")
petVal.Name = pet.Name
petVal.Parent = player.PetInventory
print(pet.Name.." selected")
You cannot access ServerScriptService
in the client. It will be empty, thus, there will be no child. The FindFirstChild
call will return nil
, which is obviously invalid. Move the module to ReplicatedStorage
Besides, you don't seem to understand the client-server model. You can't really change a leaderstat value from the client; it will only affect the client and not the server, so other clients will be unaware of the change. You can use RemoteEvent
s but make sure that you structure them in a way that it will be safe.