I have products audits table looks like this
id | product_id | column_updated | value | timestamp |
1 | product_1 | name | Big Shoes. | "18 September 2022 6:42:50 PM GMT+05:30" |
2. | product_1 | name | Green Shoes | "18 September 2022 6:42:43 PM GMT+05:30" |
3. | product_1 | name | Big Green Shoes | "18 September 2022 6:43:43 PM GMT+05:30" |
I want to show report of latest change happened on column in form like below
product_id | column_updated | latest_value | previous_value |
product_1 | name | Green Shoes | Big Green Shoes |
I have prepared a query to fetch last 2 record but not sure how I can merge them to form a view like this?
my query is
select product_id, column_updated, value
from audits
where product_id = 'product_1'
and column_updated = 'name'
order by timestamp desc
limit 2;
Please suggest any approach for this, Thanks in advance!
You need to use LEAD
a swindow function to hget the latest and previous value
(select product_id,
value as latest_value,
lead(value) over (
partition by product_id,column_updated order by timestamp desc
) as previous_value,
ROW_NUMBER() over (
partition by product_id,column_updated order by timestamp desc
) rn
from audits
where product_id = 'product_1'
and column_updated = 'name')
SELECT product_id, column_updated,latest_value,previous_value FROM CTE WHERE rn = 1
product_id | column_updated | latest_value | previous_value |
product_1 | name | Big Green Shoes | Big Shoes. |