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how to convert blob url to base64 in flutter web?

I use image_picker: ^0.8.5+3 for upload image in web flutter.

  Future _imgFromGallery() async {
    final image = await picker.pickImage(
        source:, maxWidth: 800, maxHeight: 800);

But when I print image.path the uploaded photo, it shows me this address with 'blob' blob 'http://localhost:22808/8108f482-37c1-4b7f-9e9c-9e65d1810f5a' I want to convert image to base64 and for this I use the following code. But this conversion is not done correctly and completely.Can you help me in this matter?

 final bytes = html.File(image.path.codeUnits, image.path);
 Uint8List b = Uint8List(bytes.toString().length);
 String img64 = Base64Encoder().convert(b);



  • I found the solution to my problem. I had to add the ‍‍image_picker_for_web: ^2.1.8 and convert the photo to Base64 with the code below:

     var image = await picker.pickImage(
            source:, maxWidth: 800, maxHeight: 800);
     var imageForWeb = await image.readAsBytes();
      String base64Image = base64Encode(imageForWeb);