I'm trying to create a web service that can stream files from various sources. I want to declare a Source trait that each source must implement with methods for listing, reading and eventually writing files but I have a hard time finding the right pattern.
In the code below I get problems with Source not being "object safe" due to the generic parameter R.
What would be a good pattern to use to have multiple source types some local, some remote/network ones implement the same Source trait to read/write/list files?
use std::collections::HashMap;
use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
use async_std::path::PathBuf;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use tokio::{io::{BufReader, AsyncRead}, fs::File};
pub trait Source {
// async fn list(&self, path: PathBuf, path_prefix: PathBuf) -> Result<Vec<FileMeta>>;
async fn reader<R: AsyncRead>(&self, path: PathBuf) -> Result<BufReader<R>>;
// async fn writer<W: AsyncWrite>(&self, path: PathBuf) -> Result<BufWriter<W>>;
pub struct Local {
root: PathBuf
impl Local {
pub async fn new(root: PathBuf) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Self { root: root.canonicalize().await? })
fn root(&self) -> PathBuf {
async fn resolve(&self, path: PathBuf) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let path = path.strip_prefix("/").unwrap_or(&path);
let mut result = self.root();
if !result.starts_with(self.root()) {
return Err(anyhow!("Requested path is outside source root"));
impl Source for Local {
async fn reader<R: AsyncRead>(&self, path: PathBuf) -> Result<BufReader<R>> {
let file = File::open(self.resolve(path).await?).await?;
let reader = BufReader::new(file);
async fn writer<W: AsyncWrite>(&self, path: PathBuf) -> Result<BufWriter<W>> {
The idea is to allow other file sources, HTTP, SSH, S3 ect. as long as they implement
the Source trait
pub struct RemoteHTTP {
server_url: String
impl Source for RemoteHTTP {
async fn reader<R: AsyncRead>(&self, path: PathBuf) -> Result<BufReader<R>> {
async fn writer<W: AsyncWrite>(&self, path: PathBuf) -> Result<BufWriter<W>> {
pub struct Config {
sources: HashMap<String, Box<dyn Source>>,
impl Config {
pub async fn load() -> Result<Self> {
let local = Local::new("/tmp/".into()).await?;
// let remote = RemoteHTTP::new("https://example.org".into());
let mut sources: HashMap<String, Box<dyn Source>> = HashMap::new();
sources.insert("local".into(), Box::new(local));
// sources.insert("remote".into(), Box::new(remote));
Ok(Self { sources })
pub fn sources(&self) -> HashMap<String, Box<dyn Source>> {
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
let config = Config::load().await;
// Store various sources into a config map
let local = Local::new("/tmp".into()).await?;
config.sources.insert("local".into(), Box::new(local));
// Create a read stream from one of hhe sources
if let Some(source) = config.sources.get("local".into()) {
let reader = source.reader("a-file".into()).await?;
// stream data with an actix HTTP service using: HttpResponse::Ok().streaming(reader)
You cannot use generics in methods of traits that are intended to be used dynamically. But even if you could, the signature of Source::reader()
wouldn't work because it'd allow the caller to choose which reader type to return, whereas the implementation would surely want to return a concrete type. Thus every concrete implementation would fail to compile with "returned <some concrete type>, generic type R expected". The correct return type would be something like BufReader<impl AsyncRead>
, but that wouldn't work because impl
in return position is not yet allowed in traits, and because you need your trait to be object-safe.
Instead, Source::reader()
should return a boxed AsyncRead
. For example:
pub trait Source {
async fn reader(&self, path: PathBuf) -> Result<BufReader<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Unpin>>>;
The implementation then looks like this:
impl Source for Local {
async fn reader(&self, path: PathBuf) -> Result<BufReader<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Unpin>>> {
let file = File::open(self.resolve(path).await?).await?;
let reader = BufReader::new(Box::new(file) as _);
Your example fixed up to compile on the playground.