I have a sample table as shown below:
Quarter Month Status Debit Digital Internal IVT Risk
Q1 Jan'22 Plan 57 92 33 9 60
Actuals 46 92 33 9 60
Feb'22 Plan 58 72 36 8 65
Actuals 50 72 37 8 65
Mar'22 Plan 71 28 30 22 2
Actuals 44 28 29 22 2
Here is the report:
I am creating a hierarchical bar chart out of it
I have to make a slicer/dropdown filter based on some column name as shown below:
How to create slicer without affecting hierarchical bar chart.
I have created a measure like:
Parameter = {
("Digital", NAMEOF('Power BI Fact Table'[Digital]), 0),
("Debit", NAMEOF('Power BI Fact Table'[Debit]), 1),
("Internal", NAMEOF('Power BI Fact Table'[Internal]), 2),
("IVT", NAMEOF('Power BI Fact Table'[IVT]), 3),
("Risk", NAMEOF('Power BI Fact Table'[Risk]), 4)
But it is not changing bar chart after selection.
The problem here is the half-baked data model and especially a pivot table will bring you nowhere in Power BI. So the work starts in Power Query, where you have to unpivot your Attribute columns Debit, Digital, Internal, IVT and Risk to get a stacked table like shown below
Table.UnpivotOtherColumns(#"Changed Type", {"Quarter", "Month", "Status"}, "Attribute", "Value")
From here everything becomes plain vanilla and you can simply pull in the new Attribute column and use it as a slicer: