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Is it wasteful to use ARRAY_AGG to get the first non-NULL value in a column?

I use PostgreSQL 14 to manage a table which stores updates to a table of medics: users can update the first name, last name, and or/ the age of the medic. A field which was not touched by an update operation has a NULL value.

Here's an example of four edits touching two separate medics. The medic with ID 3 received three updates: the first two are updating the age field, the third one touches the first_name:

SELECT * FROM medic_edits;
id medic_id first_name last_name age
1 1 Indy
2 3 59
3 3 63
4 3 Bob

I would like to merge this table such that in the resulting table there's one row per medic, giving the cumulative edits. This is my current query and the output it produces:

  (ARRAY_REMOVE(ARRAY_AGG(first_name ORDER BY id DESC), NULL))[1] AS first_name,
  (ARRAY_REMOVE(ARRAY_AGG(last_name ORDER BY id DESC), NULL))[1] AS last_name,
FROM medic_edits
GROUP BY medic_id
medic_id first_name last_name last_name
1 Indy
3 Bob 63

This is exactly the output I expected, but I suspect that the ARRAY_REMOVE/ARRAY_AGG logic is a bit wasteful. I wonder if there is a way to use partitions for good profit here, the FIRST_VALUE function looks very relevant.


  • Yes, it's wasteful. I expect this to be faster:

    SELECT DISTINCT ON (medic_id)
         , first_value(first_name) OVER (PARTITION BY medic_id ORDER BY CASE WHEN first_name IS NOT NULL THEN id END) AS first_name
         , first_value(last_name)  OVER (PARTITION BY medic_id ORDER BY CASE WHEN last_name  IS NOT NULL THEN id END) AS last_name
         , first_value(age)        OVER (PARTITION BY medic_id ORDER BY CASE WHEN age        IS NOT NULL THEN id END) AS age
    FROM   medic_edits;

    For descending id value, use instead:

           first_value(first_name) OVER (PARTITION BY medic_id ORDER BY CASE WHEN first_name IS NOT NULL THEN id END DESC NULLS LAST) AS first_name


    But there are probably faster ways, yet. Also depends on the exact table definition, cardinalities, and data distribution.


    About DISTINCT ON:

    Works in a single SELECT because DISTINCT or DISTINCT ON are applied after window functions. See:

    Aside: "age" is going to bit-rot rapidly. It's typically superior to store a birthday.