Search code examples

When I do a post request to create a single user, it creates 6

I have a deno fresh boiler plate app with an added view called create. You land on a simple (but ugly) form view where you make a new user by typing in an email and key then pressing submit. This is the screen:
enter image description here

When I hit submit, the screen doesn't change but I get this in my web console.

enter image description here

What's even weirder is that when I check my database I have 6 entries of the same email and key. I have no idea why this is happening. I only pressed the button once:

enter image description here

The three files where pretty much all of the create page logic is happening is create.tsx, createUser.tsx and Creator.tsx


import Layout from '../components/layouts.tsx';
import Creator from "../islands/Creator.tsx"

export default function User(props: PageProps) {
    return (
            <Creator />


import { Handlers, PageProps } from "$fresh/server.ts";
import UserDb from "../../database.ts";

export const handler = {
  POST: async (request, ctx) => {
    const reqJsn = (await request.json());
    const body = reqJsn;
    const email =;
    const key = body.key;

    if (!email || !key) {
      ctx.status = 422;
      ctx.body = { msg: "Incorrect user data. Email and key are required" };

    const userId = await UserDb.create({
      email: email,
      key: key,
      created_at: new Date()

    ctx.body = { msg: "User created", userId };


// import { useState } from "preact/hooks";
import { useState, useEffect } from "preact/hooks";
import { Handlers, PageProps } from "$fresh/server.ts";
import UserDb from "../database.ts";

interface CreatorProps {
    email: string,
    key: string

export default function Creator(props: CreatorProps) {
  async function handleSubmit(event) {
    const emailInput =;
    const ageInput =;
    const resp = await createNewUser(emailInput.value, ageInput.value);
    return resp

  async function createNewUser(email, key) {
    const rawPosts = await fetch('http://localhost:8000/api/createUser', {
      "method": "POST",
      "headers": {
        "content-type": "text/plain"
      "body": JSON.stringify({
        email: email,
        key: key,
    return (
        <h1 class="text rounded-lg p-4 my-8"> Search </h1>
        <form method="post" onSubmit={async (e) => handleSubmit(e)}>
          <input class="center rounded-lg p-4 my-8" id="email" name="email" />
          <input class="center rounded-lg p-4 my-8" id="key" name="key" />
          <br />
              class="px-5 py-2.5 text-sm font-medium bg-blue-600 rounded-md shadow disabled:(bg-gray-800 border border-blue-600 opacity-50 cursor-not-allowed)"
        <br />
        {/* <ul>
          { => <li key={name}>{name}</li>)}
        </ul> */}

Again, I provided a minimal reproducible example. to run it you need a postgres instance running, create a .env file in the root directory of the project and add your postgres variables like this:


go to the root directory of the repo and type deno task start in your terminal and it works. Remember to navigate to localhost:8000/create, fill in the 2 field and press submit. You will now have 6 entries in your db.


  • I fixed it, the key was that the POST request action was never actually returning. I added:

    const res = new Response(null, {
          status: 302,
          headers: new Headers({
            location: 'localhost' + '../../../create',
        return res;

    to the end of createUser.tsx (also renamed createUser.tsx to createUser.ts) and it only posted 1 new user to the database.