I was using docking tree code of IMGui and I created a Application.cpp and Application.h in example_win32_directx9. I am using release and x64 to compile. I have set subsystem in system in Linker to Windows. Code of Application.cpp is:
#include "Application.h"
#include "imgui.h"
namespace MyApp
void RenderUI()
bool Decimal_places = false;
bool settings = false;
if (ImGui::Button("Settings")) {
settings = true;
else {
settings = false;
if (settings==true) {
if (Decimal_places == false) {
if (ImGui::Button("Off")) {
Decimal_places = true;
//static float value = 0.0f;
//ImGui::DragFloat("Value", &value);
Code of Application.h:
#pragma once
namespace MyApp
void RenderUI();
It works somewhat fine but I do not how to remove button "off" or change it from "off" to "on" and why do settings window closes. I have already included header file in main.cpp and also using the function of header file in main.cpp.
To fix it, bools need to be declared out of function. After editing it, the fixed Application.cpp with more functions was:
#include "Application.h"
#include "imgui.h"
namespace MyApp
bool settings = false;
bool p_open = true;
bool Decimal_places = false;
void RenderUI()
if (ImGui::Button("Settings")) {
settings = true;
if (settings == true) {
if (p_open == true) {
if (!ImGui::Begin("Settings", &p_open)) {
else {
if (Decimal_places == false) {
if (ImGui::Button("Off")) {
Decimal_places = true;
else if (Decimal_places == true) {
if (ImGui::Button("On")) {
Decimal_places = false;
else {
p_open = true;
settings = false;