whenever I try to update a mutable state flow (uiState), the code in the init of the viewModel executes again (and hence the uiState resets).
This only happens if I use any info related to the previous state of the uiState (at least that's why I think given the following code).
The Code:
init {
Log.d("Error log", "init again")
private val _uiState: MutableStateFlow<CreateGameState> =
selectedHeroes = listOf(),
selectedVillain = null,
selectedEncounters = listOf(),
val uiState: StateFlow<CreateGameState> = _uiState
fun onAction(action: CreateGameActions) {
when (action) {
is CreateGameActions.SelectHero -> {
when (_uiState.value) {
is CreateGameState.InputDataState -> {
_uiState.update {
/* this line causes the error */(it as CreateGameState.InputDataState).copy(selectedHeroes = it.selectedHeroes.plusElement(action.hero))
/* this line doesn't cause error */(it as CreateGameState.InputDataState).copy(selectedHeroes = listOf(Hero.SPIDERMAN))
So when only executing the line that causes the error, the Log of the init
function is shown in Logcat again.
With this, I loose the uiState and my app gets stuck on the initial state always.
Thanks a lot for your help in advance!
@Tenfour04 was right. I turns out I was injecting the viewModel in a composable with the constructor as a default parameter. Recomposition was causing the creation of a new ViewModel.
Simply by injecting the same instance of the viewModel solved it.