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How do I iterate through a dictionary/set in SLY?

So, I'm trying to transition my code from my earlier PLY implementation to SLY. Previously, I had some code that loaded a binary file with a wide range of reserved words scraped from documentation of the scripting language I'm trying to implement. However, when I try to iterate through the scraped items in the lexer for SLY, I get an error message inside LexerMetaDict's __setitem__ when trying to iterate through the resulting set of:

Exception has occurred: AttributeError     
Name transition redefined    
  File "C:\dev\sly\sly\", line 126, in __setitem__    
    raise AttributeError(f'Name {key} redefined')    
  File "C:\dev\sly\example\HeroLab\", line 24, in HeroLabLexer    
    for transition in transition_set:    
  File "C:\dev\sly\example\HeroLab\", line 6, in <module>    
    class HeroLabLexer(Lexer):

The code in question:

from transitions import transition_set, reference_set
class HeroLabLexer(Lexer):

# initial token assignments

    for transition in transition_set:

I might not be as surprised if it were happening when trying to add to the tokens, since I'm still trying to figure out how to interface with the SLY method for defining things, but if I change that line to a print statement, it still fails when I iterate through the second item in "transition_set". I've tried renaming the various variables, but to little avail.


  • The error you get is the result of a modification Sly makes to the Lexer metaclass, which I discuss below. But for a simple answer: I assume tokens is a set, so you can easily avoid the problem with

    tokens |= transition_set

    If transition_set were an iterable but not a set, you could use the update method, which works with any iterable (and any number of iterable arguments):


    tokens doesn't have to be a set. Sly should work with any iterable. But you might need to adjust the above expressions. If tokens is a tuple or a list, you'd use += instead of |= and, in the case of lists, extend instead of update. (There are some minor differences, as with the fact that set.update can be used to merge several sets.)

    That doesn't answer your direct question, "How do I iterate... in SLY". I interpret that as asking:

    How do I write a for loop at class scope in a class derived from sly.lexer?

    and that's a harder question. The games which Sly plays with Python namespaces make it difficult to use for loops in the class scope of a lexer, because Sly replaces the attribute dictionary of Lexer class (and its subclasses) with a special dictionary which doesn't allow redefinition of attributes with string values. Since the iteration variable in a for statement is in the enclosing scope --in this case is the class scope--, any for loop with a string index variable and whose body runs more than once will trigger the "Name redefined" error which you experienced.

    It's also worth noting that if you use a for statement at class scope in any class, the last value of the iteration variable will become a class attribute. That's hardly ever desirable, and, really, that construction is not good practice in any class. But it doesn't usually throw an error.

    At class scope, you can use comprehensions (whose iteration variables are effectively locals). Of course, in this case, there's no advantage in writing:

    tokens.update(transition for transition in transition_set)

    But the construct might be useful for other situations. Note, however, that other variables at class scope (such as tokens) are not visible in the body of the comprehension, which might also create difficulties.

    Although it's extremely ugly, you can declare the iteration variable as a global, which makes it a module variable rather than a class variable (and therefore just trades one bad practice for another one, although you can later remove the variable from the module).

    You could do the computation in a different scope (such as a global function), or you could write a (global) generator to use with tokens.update(), which is probably the most general solution.

    Finally, you can make sure that the index variable is never an instance of a str.