I have migrated from RDS Aurora PostgreSQL 13.6 to Hetzner Managed DB PostgreSQL 13.8 and this query
SELECT to_tsvector('I am a heroe') @@ to_tsquery('I & am & a & hero')
returns FALSE with RDS but TRUE with Hetzner
What could be the reason that bring this change ?
RDS uses pg_catalog.simple and Hetzner pg_catalog.english
But still on Hetzner SELECT to_tsvector('I am a hero') @@ to_tsquery('simple', 'I & am & a & hero')
returns false
The answer must be that the parameter default_text_search_config
is set to different languages in both databases. It is best to always explicitly specify the language, as in
to_tsvector('english', 'I am a heroe')