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Loop through dataframe to create new variable

I am trying to come up with a way to loop through a data frame and recognise points shared between 2 columns and work iteratively to assign a unique factor to these. Specifically, I have a data frame indicating points along a river and which points are immediately upstream of this.

Here is some example data:

df <- data.frame(RiverID = rep(c(1,2), each = 15), SiteID = rep((c(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,13,13,13)),2),
                 Upstream_SiteID = rep((c(1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)),2),
                 Dist2Mouth = rep((c(2000,2000,2000,1500,1500,1500,1500,1000,1000,1000,1000,500,500,500,500)),2))

And the basic paint image below might help explain the kind of data I have.

enter image description here

What I would like to do is identify all possible 'routes' through the system (orange letters in the image). So in the example, I would start from point 13, go 'upstream' in the dataframe (i.e. lower Distance2Mouth values) and recognise 4 different routes (A-D). I then need to iteratively keep working up the data frame and assign routes to each point.

There are some instances where the stretch of river between the two points could belong to two routes. For example in the image below, the section between 2-1 could be part of routes C or D. In these instances, I would like to create multiple rows with the same SiteID and Upstream_SiteID that list the different potential routes.

Lastly, I have these instances across various rivers, so I would like to loop through the dataframe and apply the above code for each RiverID.

Desired output (the correct routes apply to RiverID '1'):

output <- data.frame(RiverID = rep(c(1,2), each = 16),
             SiteID = rep((c(2,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,13,13,13)),2),
             Upstream_SiteID = rep((c(1,1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)),2),
             Dist2Mouth = rep((c(2000,2000,2000,2000,1500,1500,1500,1500,1000,1000,1000,1000,500,500,500,500)),2),
             Route = as.factor(c(rep(c("D","C","B","A"),times = 4),rep(c("H","G","F","E"),times = 4))))


  • igraph is definitely the right tool for problems like this. However, it is also possible to do what you need with a few lines of code without the package. The routes are identified by the go_up() function which uses a depth-first search algorithm.

    ## Builds a nested list with all possible paths on its deepest level
    #  path  path so far
    #  ups   list of upstream points for each point
    go_up <- function(path, ups) {
      # last point of the path
      last <- tail(path, 1)  
      if (last %in% names(ups)) {
        # continue with all possible upstream points
               function(up) go_up(c(path, up), ups))
        # finish if no upstream point exists
      } else paste(path, collapse='---') 
          # path is collapsed into a string so that the resulting list can be
          #   easily flattened

    This can be then applied to each river separately like this:

    river.routes <- lapply(split(df, df$RiverID), function(river) {
      # list with upstream points for each point
      ups <- tapply(river$Upstream_SiteID, river$SiteID, c)
      # we will start from the highest ID
      last <- max(river$SiteID)
      # find the routes
      routes <- go_up(last, ups)
      # flatten the list and split the routes into points
      routes <- strsplit(unlist(routes), '---')
      # add a logical column for each route
      for (i in seq_along(routes)) {
        river[[paste0('route', i)]] <- river$SiteID %in% routes[[i]]


    # $`1`
    #    RiverID SiteID Upstream_SiteID Dist2Mouth route1 route2 route3 route4
    # 1        1      2               1       2000   TRUE   TRUE  FALSE  FALSE
    # 2        1      3               1       2000  FALSE  FALSE   TRUE  FALSE
    # 3        1      4               1       2000  FALSE  FALSE  FALSE   TRUE
    # 4        1      5               2       1500   TRUE  FALSE  FALSE  FALSE
    # 5        1      6               2       1500  FALSE   TRUE  FALSE  FALSE
    # 6        1      7               3       1500  FALSE  FALSE   TRUE  FALSE
    # 7        1      8               4       1500  FALSE  FALSE  FALSE   TRUE
    # 8        1      9               5       1000   TRUE  FALSE  FALSE  FALSE
    # 9        1     10               6       1000  FALSE   TRUE  FALSE  FALSE
    # 10       1     11               7       1000  FALSE  FALSE   TRUE  FALSE
    # 11       1     12               8       1000  FALSE  FALSE  FALSE   TRUE
    # 12       1     13               9        500   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE
    # 13       1     13              10        500   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE
    # 14       1     13              11        500   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE
    # 15       1     13              12        500   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE
    # $`2`
    #    RiverID SiteID Upstream_SiteID Dist2Mouth route1 route2 route3 route4
    # 16       2      2               1       2000   TRUE   TRUE  FALSE  FALSE
    # 17       2      3               1       2000  FALSE  FALSE   TRUE  FALSE
    # 18       2      4               1       2000  FALSE  FALSE  FALSE   TRUE
    # 19       2      5               2       1500   TRUE  FALSE  FALSE  FALSE
    # 20       2      6               2       1500  FALSE   TRUE  FALSE  FALSE
    # 21       2      7               3       1500  FALSE  FALSE   TRUE  FALSE
    # 22       2      8               4       1500  FALSE  FALSE  FALSE   TRUE
    # 23       2      9               5       1000   TRUE  FALSE  FALSE  FALSE
    # 24       2     10               6       1000  FALSE   TRUE  FALSE  FALSE
    # 25       2     11               7       1000  FALSE  FALSE   TRUE  FALSE
    # 26       2     12               8       1000  FALSE  FALSE  FALSE   TRUE
    # 27       2     13               9        500   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE
    # 28       2     13              10        500   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE
    # 29       2     13              11        500   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE
    # 30       2     13              12        500   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE   TRUE

    I didn't much like the idea of duplicating the rows for points located on more than one route so I rather added a logical column for each route instead. You can change that if you like, the routes are available inside the lapply in the routes variable which looks like this:

    # [[1]]
    # [1] "13" "9"  "5"  "2"  "1" 
    # [[2]]
    # [1] "13" "10" "6"  "2"  "1" 
    # [[3]]
    # [1] "13" "11" "7"  "3"  "1" 
    # [[4]]
    # [1] "13" "12" "8"  "4"  "1"