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How can I order one table by a field value (not a column) in another table?

I have a Customer table :

CustomerID FirstName LastName
1 Ben Brown
2 Adam Green

And I would like to order it based on another table TableInfo which contains the column names of the first table in rows and the order direction.

Source_Table Source_Column Order_By Order_Of_Order_By
Customer CustomerID NULL NULL
Customer FirstName ASC 1
Customer LastName NULL NULL

The first table can be anything, the second table will always contain the same column headers, but the rows will depend on the first table.

I would like to do something like

select * from Customer
order by 
(select Source_Column  + ' '+ Order_By  from TableInfo where order_by is not NULL)

This doesn't work as I can't use this subquery as an Order by column name.

How can I make it work?


  • One possible solution is to use dynamic sql, along with a couple of built in sql-server items, the STUFF function and FOR XML PATH clause, and the EXECUTE command with built in stored procedure sp_executesql:

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#customer') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #customer
    CREATE table #customer (customerid int, firstname varchar(25), lastname varchar(25));
    declare @sourcetables table (source_table varchar(50), source_column varchar(50), order_by varchar(5), order_of_order_by int)
    insert into #customer
    values(1, 'Ben', 'Brown'), (2, 'Adam', 'Green')
    insert into @sourcetables
    values('#customer', 'customerid', null, null), ('#customer', 'firstname', 'ASC', 1), ('#customer', 'lastname', null, null)
    declare @sqlstatement nvarchar(max) = '';
    --used as a parameter to choose which table we want to order and select from
    --simulate a parameterized query
    declare @tablename varchar(50) = '#customer';
    --create the dynamic sql statement
    --STUFF with FOR XML PATH Will flatten out the different
    --column names you want to order by along with the appropriate
    --order by type (ASC, DESC)
    set @sqlstatement = 'SELECT * FROM ' + @tablename + ' ORDER BY ' +
    STUFF((select ', ' + source_column + ' ' 
    + order_by from @sourcetables where [source_table] = @tablename 
    and order_by is not null order by order_of_order_by 
    FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 1, '')
    --This will show you the sql statement as a dynamic sql string
    --select @sqlstatement
    --This is used to execute the sql statement via built in sp
    EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlstatement;
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#customer') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #customer

    More about dynamic sql: dynamic-sql-in-sql-server