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How to update a nested object in array that is in the array of object in mongoose

I have Locations collection in MongoDB that includes two documents. Each one of them has its own array of confirmed bookings as objects with Ids. How can I update the object that has _id: c1? Is it possible to do that in a single query?

_id :63233022222222,
title :"Ravenholm",
price: 180,
capacity: 2,
confirmedBookings: [
  _id : r1,
  start: 1663207200000,
  finish: 1663210799999
  _id: r2,
  start: 1663322400000,
  finish: 1663329599999
_id :6323301111111111,
title :"City 17",
price: 360,
capacity: 4,
confirmedBookings: [
  _id : c1,
  start: 1663207200000,
  finish: 1663210799999
  _id: c2,
  start: 1663322400000,
  finish: 1663329599999


  • You should be able to query and update the specific object with:

    const updated = await Model.findOneAndUpdate(
      { 'confirmedBookings._id': c1 },
        'confirmedBookings.$.start': 'new-start',
        'confirmedBookings.$.finish': 'new-finish',
      { new: true }