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How to choose more important value from one column for value in corresponding column in SAS Enterprise Guide?

I have table in SAS Enterprise Guide like below:

  • VAL1 - character
  • ID - numeric
  • VAL2 - character (with only 3 options: P, C, S)
P1 123 P
P1 123 P
P1 123 S
S2 44 C
S2 44 S
GG 44 P
P1 58 S
P1 58 S

And I need to make something like this:

  • If some "ID" has at least once P or C in "VAL2" then stay this "ID" with P or C for the corresponding value from column "VAL1" and of course each "ID" has to be only one time in output.
  • else if some "ID" do not has P or C in "VAL2" then take what it has, so S

So as a result I need something like below:

123 P1 P
44 S2 C
44 GG P
58 P1 S

How can I do that in PROC SQL in SAS Enterprise Guide? (Of course code could be also in normal SAS not PROC SQL) :).


  • This could definitely be done more elegantly. But this should work just fine.

    data have;
        input VAL1 $2. ID VAL2 $1.;
    P1 123 P
    P1 123 P
    P1 123 S
    S2 44 C
    S2 44 S
    GG 44 P
    P1 58 S
    P1 58 S
    proc sort data=have out=sorted nodupkey;
    by ID descending VAL2;
    data want;
        set sorted;
        by ID;
        if VAL2 in ('P' 'C') then output;
        else if last.ID then output;