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Impala - Working hours between two dates in impala

I have two time stamps @starttimestamp and @endtimestamp. How to calculate number of working hours between these two Working hours is defined below: Mon- Thursday (9:00-17:00) Friday (9:00-13:00)

Have to work in impala


  • think i found a better solution.

    1. we will create a series of numbers using a large table. You can get a time dimension type table too. Make it doenst get truncated. I am using a large table from my db. Use this series to generate a date range between start and end date.
    date_add (t.start_date,rs.uniqueid) -- create range of dates
    join (select row_number() over ( order by mycol) as uniqueid  -- create range of unique ids
    from  largetab) rs 
    where end_date >=date_add (t.start_date,rs.uniqueid) 
    1. Then we will calculate total hour difference between the timestamp using unix timestamp considering date and time. unix_timestamp(endtimestamp - starttimestamp )
    2. Exclude non working hours like 16hours on M-T, 20hours on F, 24hours on S-S.
    case when  dayofweek ( dday) in (1,7) then 24 
             when dayofweek ( dday) =5 then 20 
             else 16 end as non work hours

    Here is complete SQL.

    end_date, start_date, 
    diff_in_hr - sum(case when  dayofweek ( dday) in (1,7) then 24 
             when dayofweek ( dday) =5 then 20 
             else 16 end ) total_workhrs
    from (
    select  (unix_timestamp(end_date)- unix_timestamp(start_date))/3600 as diff_in_hr , end_date, start_date,date_add (t.start_date,rs.uniqueid)   as dDay
    from    tdate t 
    join (select row_number() over ( order by mycol) as uniqueid from  largetab) rs
    where end_date >=date_add (t.start_date,rs.uniqueid) 
    group by 1,2,diff_in_hr