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Adding optional claims is not reflecting on Azure AD

I am trying to add optional claims for an app registered on Azure AD. I was following Documentation but the changes are not reflecting on the app's manifest. Still it is showing null or empty array like the below image.

Image from Manifest

I tried to follow this SO Question also but no luck.

$idTokenClaim = @()

            $idTokenClaim += @([PSCustomObject] @{
                    name = "upn"
                    source = $null
                    essential = "true"
                    additionalProperties = @()

            $optionalClaims = @{
                idToken     = $idTokenClaim
                accessToken = @()
                saml2Token  = @()
            } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress | ConvertTo-Json

          az ad app update --id $($application.appId)--optional-claims '$optionalClaims'"

The JSON output for the $optionalClaims is :

enter image description here

Did I miss anything? Any help would be appreciated.


  • As mentioned in this article, in order to update OptionalClaim property, we need to use hash table information.

    Below are the steps which needs to be followed:

    1. Create a test.json on your machine with similar content like below (you can copy it from the manifest file the below section)
            "idToken": [
                    "additionalProperties": [],
                    "essential": false,
                    "name": "ctry",
                    "source": null
                    "additionalProperties": [],
                    "essential": false,
                    "name": "acct",
                    "source": null
                    "additionalProperties": [],
                    "essential": false,
                    "name": "given_name",
                    "source": null
            "accessToken": [],
            "saml2Token": [
                    "additionalProperties": [],
                    "essential": false,
                    "name": "upn",
                    "source": null
    1. Since we need to pass Hashtable to -optional claim property we need to convert the above JSON to Hash Table.
    • In PowerShell 7 we can covert the above JSON Hash table by using below cmdlet
    Get-Content <pathofAboveJsonFile> | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable

    enter image description here

    1. Use the cmdlet update-AzADApplicationto update the optionalClaim for an application in AzureAD.
      Update-AzADApplication -objectid <objectidoftheapplication> -optionalclaim $hastable