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How do I add content to my app without it interfering with my navigation view?

I am very much a beginner with WinUI 3. I am learning and don't have much direction at all.

I'm trying to add a navigation bar to the left and then add content (buttons, text boxes, etc) to the right.

I don't know if I should add the navigation view to the grid or how I would do that. I have two code examples that I've tried and neither of them are doing what I want them to do.

An example of what I want my app to look like is the WinUI 3 Gallery app.

The navigation bar is added to the app as expected, but when I try to add the grid to start adding buttons and text boxes and other things, I get an error with this code:


    <NavigationView x:Name="nvSample" PaneDisplayMode="Auto" Background="#c7cbd1">
            <NavigationViewItem Icon="Play" Content="Menu Item1" Tag="SamplePage1" />
            <NavigationViewItem Icon="Save" Content="Menu Item2" Tag="SamplePage2" />
            <NavigationViewItem Icon="Refresh" Content="Menu Item3" Tag="SamplePage3" />
            <NavigationViewItem Icon="Download" Content="Menu Item4" Tag="SamplePage4" />
        <Frame x:Name="contentFrame"/>

    <Grid Background="Gray" ColumnDefinitions="50, Auto, *" RowDefinitions ="50, Auto, *">
        <Rectangle Fill="Red" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" />
        <Rectangle Fill="Blue" Grid.Row="1" />
        <Rectangle Fill="Green" Grid.Column="1" />
        <Rectangle Fill="Yellow" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" />
        <Rectangle Fill="BlanchedAlmond" Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="0"/>
        <Rectangle Fill="DarkCyan" Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="1"/>
        <Rectangle Fill="MidnightBlue" Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="2"/>


Or I do this and it messes everything up...



    <Grid Background="Gray" ColumnDefinitions="50, Auto, *" RowDefinitions ="50, Auto, *">

        <NavigationView x:Name="nvSample" PaneDisplayMode="Auto" Background="#c7cbd1">
                <NavigationViewItem Icon="Play" Content="Menu Item1" Tag="SamplePage1" />
                <NavigationViewItem Icon="Save" Content="Menu Item2" Tag="SamplePage2" />
                <NavigationViewItem Icon="Refresh" Content="Menu Item3" Tag="SamplePage3" />
                <NavigationViewItem Icon="Download" Content="Menu Item4" Tag="SamplePage4" />
            <Frame x:Name="contentFrame"/>
        <Rectangle Fill="Red" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" />
        <Rectangle Fill="Blue" Grid.Row="1" />
        <Rectangle Fill="Green" Grid.Column="1" />
        <Rectangle Fill="Yellow" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" />
        <Rectangle Fill="BlanchedAlmond" Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="0"/>
        <Rectangle Fill="DarkCyan" Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="1"/>
        <Rectangle Fill="MidnightBlue" Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="2"/>



  • The error you are getting is because Window can have one content as a child. In your first block of code, the Window has a NavigationView and a Grid.

    If you want something like the WinUI 3 Gallery, you can see the actual code in the GitHub repo.

    You also should consider using the Template Studio for WinUI. You can implement navigation with few clicks.

    Here's a sample code to understand how to implement a simple navigation.

    Let's say we have 2 pages, Page1.xaml and Page2.xaml.


    <NavigationView SelectionChanged="NavigationView_SelectionChanged">
            <NavigationViewItem Content="Page1" Tag="Page1"/>
            <NavigationViewItem Content="Page2" Tag="Page2"/>
        <Frame x:Name="ContentFrame"/>


    namespace NavigationSampleApp;
    private void NavigationView_SelectionChanged(NavigationView sender, NavigationViewSelectionChangedEventArgs args)
        if (args.SelectedItem is NavigationViewItem item &&
            item.Tag is string tag &&
            Type.GetType($"NavigationSampleApp.{tag}") is Type pageType)