We have more than 1000+ VMs running on different Hyper-V nodes. I want to create a report in CSV format for one systemd service status.
For example, I would like to check the running status of postfix
whether it's in state started
or stopped
. These statuses need to be print into CSV file format.
Expected result as below format
Finally, I got solution for this above request. Here is the code below, helpful for others.
- name: Generate an HTML report from Jinja2 template
hosts: postfix-hosts
gather_facts: true
#email settings
email_subject: System status Report
email_host: stackoverflw.smtp.com
email_from: noreply@stackoverflw.com
email_to: AdMin_Stack@stackoverflw.com
#random settings
csv_path: /tmp
csv_filename: report.csv
headers: Hostname,OS,Distro Ver,Kernel Ver,Postfix Status,FQDN,Total VCPU,Total RAM,Total SWAP,Total Disk,Hyper-V
- name: Gather last Postfix Status
ansible.builtin.shell: systemctl status postfix | egrep -i Active | awk '{ print $2,$3}'
register: active
- name: Save CSV headers
dest: "{{ csv_path }}/{{ csv_filename }}"
line: "{{ headers }}"
create: true
state: present
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: true
- name: Build out CSV file
dest: "{{ csv_path }}/{{ csv_filename }}"
line: "{{ inventory_hostname }},{{ ansible_distribution }},{{ ansible_distribution_version }},{{ ansible_kernel }},{{ active.stdout }},{{ ansible_fqdn }},{{ ansible_processor_vcpus }},{{ ansible_memtotal_mb }},{{ ansible_swaptotal_mb }},{{ ansible_devices.vda.partitions.vda1.size }},{{ ansible_product_name }}"
create: true
state: present
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Read in CSV to variable
path: "{{ csv_path }}/{{ csv_filename }}"
register: csv_file
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: true
- name: Send Email
host: "{{ email_host }}"
from: "{{ email_from }}"
port: 25
to: "{{ email_to }}"
subject: "[Ansible] {{ email_subject }}"
body: "{{ lookup('template', 'report.html.j2') }}"
attach: "{{ csv_path }}/{{ csv_filename }}"
subtype: html
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: true
<table style="border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;">
{% for header in headers.split(",") %}
<th style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 8px 16px;">{{ header }}</th>
{% endfor %}
{% for host in csv_file.list %}
{% for header in headers.split(",") %}
<td style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 8px 16px;">{{ host[header] }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Thanks to the gregsowell blog helped me get these done.