Hi I'm trying to add signatures to Workspace users. I'm using this solution. It's works but only with users that doesn't have any signatures and I would like to add new signatures (or override the previous ones). Another things is that it doesn't work for the owner either. I would appreciate your help.
This is my current code:
function setSignatureTest() {
var user = {
primaryEmail: "admin@domain.do",
name: {
fullName:'Admin Name',
familyName:'Admin Last Name',
givenName:'Admin Name'
var test = setSignature(user.primaryEmail, user);
Logger.log('test result: ' + test);
function listAllUsers() {
var pageToken;
var page;
do {
page = AdminDirectory.Users.list({
domain: 'domain.com',
orderBy: 'givenName',
maxResults: 500,
pageToken: pageToken
var users = page.users;
var accountsToIgnore = [
if (users) {
for (var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
var user = users[i];
if (accountsToIgnore.indexOf(user.primaryEmail) == -1) {
var userName = user.name.fullName;
var userEmail = user.primaryEmail;
var userOrgRole = user.organizations ? user.organizations[0].title : ''
Logger.log('-- %s (%s) %s', userName, userEmail, userOrgRole);
Logger.log('%s (%s)', user);
setSignature(userEmail, user);
} else {
Logger.log('No users found.');
pageToken = page.nextPageToken;
} while (pageToken);
function setSignature(email, userData) {
var signatureSetSuccessfully = false;
var authorizationScope = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.settings.sharing','https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.settings.basic'];
var service = getDomainWideDelegationService("Gmail: ", authorizationScope, email);
if (!service.hasAccess()) {
Logger.log("failed to authenticate as user " + email);
signatureSetSuccessfully = service.getLastError();
return signatureSetSuccessfully;
} else {
Logger.log("successfully authenticated as user " + email);
var signatureTemplate = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile("signature").getContent();
var userSig = signatureTemplate
.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "")
.replace(/{email}/g, userData.primaryEmail)
.replace(/{firstName}/g, userData.name.givenName)
.replace(/{lastName}/g, userData.name.familyName)
.replace(/{jobTitle}/g, userData.organizations ? userData.organizations[0].title : '')
var resource = {
signature: userSig
var requestBody = {};
requestBody.headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + service.getAccessToken(),
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
requestBody.contentType = "application/json";
requestBody.method = "PATCH";
requestBody.payload = JSON.stringify(resource);
requestBody.muteHttpExceptions = false;
var emailForUrl = encodeURIComponent(email);
var url = `https://www.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/${email}/settings/sendAs/` + emailForUrl;
try {
var setSignatureResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, requestBody);
signatureSetSuccessfully = true;
Logger.log("setSignatureResponse on successful attempt:" + JSON.parse(setSignatureResponse).sendAsEmail);
} catch (e) {
Logger.log("Set signature with HTTP request failed: " + e);
return signatureSetSuccessfully;
// these two things are included in the .JSON file that you download when creating the service account and service account key
function getDomainWideDelegationService(serviceName, scope, email) {
Logger.log('starting getDomainWideDelegationService for email: ' + email);
return OAuth2.createService(serviceName + email)
// Set the endpoint URL.
// Set the private key and issuer.
// Set the name of the user to impersonate. This will only work for
// Google Apps for Work/EDU accounts whose admin has setup domain-wide
// delegation:
// https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2ServiceAccount#delegatingauthority
// Set the property store where authorized tokens should be persisted.
// Set the scope. This must match one of the scopes configured during the
// setup of domain-wide delegation.
You are doing a Method: users.settings.sendAs.create this is going to try to create a new one based upon the usersId, as far as i can tell from the docs you can only have one.
POST https://gmail.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/{userId}/settings/sendAs
Which will most likely fail if the user already has one set.
I would try doing a sendAs List to see if the user has one set then if they do a users.settings.sendAs.patch to reset what every they have set personally. If they dont then use your create method.