I have an EX command that I use pretty regularly to remove multi-line comments.
Is there any way I can make it an EX alias (if such a thing exists?) in vimrc file?
The goal would be something like:
Then it would run that regex search and replace. Thanks!
The relevant help is :help usr_40.txt
entitled 'Make New Commands'.
Just put either of the below options in your .vimrc to make it permanent.
For your question you can do this (note that user defined commands must begin with a capital letter):
command! Nocomments :%s,/\*\_.\{-}\*/\n,,g
You can also define custom normal mode commands with nmap and nnoremap
nnoremap <LEADER>n :%s,/\*\_.\{-}\*/\n,,g<CR>
Then in normal mode you can press your leader key (default is \
unless you
remapped it) followed by the letter n
and the substitute command will happen
(note the carriage return had to be added).