I need to install and use git bash for my class.
Specifically, I'm trying to install git version 2.37.3 from https://gitforwindows.org/
Every time I try install it and launch it, I am presented with this:
The terminal is completely white text and it outputs "bash: module: command not found" and "bash: /usr/bin/banner: No such file or directory" at the top everytime I launch it.
My professor's one is color coded green, pink, yellow, etc and doesn't have that error. One difference I notice is at the top their one says "MINGW64" while my one says "/usr/bash/bin --login -i"
What can I do to get git to be installed and working properly?
What can I do to get bash to be installed and working properly?
don't use Bash emulation to begin with. Use the real thing. Windows 10 allows running an actual Linux distribution as a [Windows Sybsystem](Windows Subsystem for Linux). That's faster than a VM and definitely faster and more compatible than Bash emulation. WSL is running an actual Linux distribution, not just emulating the shell.
The Windows Subsystem for Linux lets developers run a GNU/Linux environment -- including most command-line tools, utilities, and applications -- directly on Windows, unmodified, without the overhead of a traditional virtual machine or dualboot setup.
All you need to start using Linux is execute :
wsl --install
By default this installs Ubuntu. You can specify a different distribution. It's also possible to install multiple distributions.
It's possible to work with files across file systems and use Windows Explorer to work with Linux files, or a Linux shell to work with Windows files.