I have a function that computes a certain object from a given parameter (say, an important node from a graph). Now, when calculating such an object, the function might allocate some memory. Sometimes I want the function to just return the result, and sometimes to return the result plus the memory used to compute it.
I typically solve this binary case like this:
enum class what {
what1, // return, e.g., just an int
what2 // return, e.g., a std::pair<int, std::vector<int>>
template <what w>
std::conditional_t<w == what::what1, int, std::pair<int, std::vector<int>>>
calculate_something(const param& p) { ... }
I would like to generalize the solution above to longer enumerations
enum class list_whats {
One possible solution is to nest as many std::conditional_t
as needed
template <list_whats what>
what == list_whats::what1,
what == list_whats::what2,
calculate_something(const param& p) { ... }
But this is cumbersome and perhaps not too elegant.
Does anyone know how to do this in C++ 17?
To make the question perfectly clear: how do I implement the function return_something
so as to be able to run the following main?
int main() {
int s1 = return_something<list_whats::what1>();
s1 = 3;
float s2 = return_something<list_whats::what2>();
s2 = 4.0f;
double s3 = return_something<list_whats::what3>();
s3 = 9.0;
std::string s4 = return_something<list_whats::what4>();
s4 = "qwer";
std::vector<int> s5 = return_something<list_whats::what5>();
s5[3] = 25;
I don't think you should use std::conditional
at all to solve your problem. If I get this right, you want to use a template parameter to tell your function what to return. The elegant way to do this could look something like this:
#include <vector>
enum class what { what1, what2 };
template <what W>
auto compute() {
if constexpr (W == what::what1) {
return 100;
if constexpr (W == what::what2) {
return std::pair{100, std::vector<int>{}};
auto main() -> int {
[[maybe_unused]] const auto as_int = compute<what::what1>();
[[maybe_unused]] const auto as_pair = compute<what::what2>();
You can also use template specialization if you prefer another syntax:
template <what W>
auto compute();
template <>
auto compute<what::what1>() {
return 100;
template <>
auto compute<what::what2>() {
return std::pair{100, std::vector<int>{}};