How to grant access to role for the tables that are created today :
grant select on ( select
object_name as table_name
from sys.all_objects
where object_type = 'TABLE'
-- excluding some Oracle maintained schemas
and owner not in ('ANONYMOUS','CTXSYS','DBSNMP','EXFSYS', 'LBACSYS',
and created > sysdate -1
This query is not working. I am not sure how to pass the selected values in order to grant the access.
you can run this SQL, generate the output and execute the SQL generated. Or the other option is to USE dynamic SQL and execute immediate to run the SQL
SELECT ' GRANT SELECT ON ' || object_name || ' to PSREAD_ROLE_W; '
from sys.all_objects obj where object_type = 'TABLE'
and created > sysdate -1