I have multiple Enums
conforming to a specific Protocol
. I now would like to define a Custom Case
for each of these Enums
and use this Requirement
for checking for Equality
However, I get the following Compiler Error
'var' binding pattern cannot appear in an expression
protocol Component {
// I read that you can use this Syntax for requiring Enum Cases -> It is working!
static var default: Self { get }
static func custom(value: Int) -> Self
var customValue: Int? { get }
extension Component {
var customValue: Int? {
guard case .custom(let value) = self else { return nil } // Compiler Error in this Line.
return value
How can I achieve my goal of not only requiring Cases
but also working with them and checking for Equality
You can't require protocol conformances to be enum's
protocol Component {
static var `default`: Self { get }
static func custom(value: Int) -> Self
var customValue: Int? { get }
struct C: Component {
static var `default`: C {
return C()
static func custom(value: Int) -> Self {
return C()
var customValue: Int? { 42 }
let c = C()
c is Component // true
And because you can't require conforming types to be enums you can't switch/case on self in a protocol extension