I'm new to react and fluentui development and am having trouble getting the Grouped List examples to work https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/fluentui#/controls/web/groupedlist
Nothing renders until I remove the SelectionZone element. But then I can't select items.
I'm seeing the following error in the console (which doesn't mean much to me):
useFocusRects.js:67 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'current')
How should I troubleshoot this?
-- Edit --
I created a CodePen https://codepen.io/matthewfitzmaurice/pen/NWMbXNP . But the CodePen works fine...
I've also noticed that a form that I created containing TextField, DatePicker and ComboBox has stopped working. The error occurs when I use a ComboBox. It's fine if I only use TextFields and DatePickers.
My ComboBoxes were working and now are not. This seems to indicate that I've installed something and broken some of the FluentUI controls.
In case anyone else runs into the same issue, my problem was version related. Updating my npm packages fixed the issue.
npm outdated
npm update