I am using mysql. I have a database with tables medico, paziente and visita (doctor, patient and visit respectively). I want to get the dates with the maximum number of visits in one day. So I create a subquery that returns the dates with the number of visits of that day, and then filter them out to get only the ones with the max number of visits in one day. This should work, but the subquery after the WHERE tells me it doesn't find the table named R, that is the table result of the subquery before. This is the entire query:
COUNT(*) AS Conto
FROM visita
) AS R
WHERE R.Conto = ( SELECT MAX(R.Conto) FROM R );
Can anyone explain why can't I reference the table from the other subquery and how should I approach this problem the correct way?
A lot easier to grasp if you have version 8 or above using cte
DROP table if exists t;
create table t
(data date);
insert into t values
with cte as
(select data,count(*) cnt from t group by data)
cte1 as
(select max(cnt) maxcnt from cte)
select data,cnt
from cte
cross join cte1
where cnt = maxcnt;
| data | cnt |
| 2022-09-01 | 2 |
| 2022-09-03 | 2 |
2 rows in set (0.002 sec)