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How to mock a named nestjs Logger with ts-mockito

Our project uses nestjs with mocha, chai and ts-mockito for testing and I can't figure out how to test a named nestjs Logger.

new Logger() can be tested as expected:

describe('basic test', () => {
    it('works', async () => {
        const mockLogger = mock<LoggerService>();
        const moduleRef = await Test.createTestingModule({
            providers: [
                    provide: TestClass,
                    useValue: new TestClass(),

        const unit = moduleRef.get(TestClass);



class TestClass {
    readonly logger: Logger;
    constructor() {
        this.logger = new Logger();

    public log() {
        this.logger.error(new Error());

but using a named logger fails the test:

class TestClass {
    readonly logger: Logger;
    constructor() {
        this.logger = new Logger('name');

    public log() {
        this.logger.error(new Error());

with // Expected "error(anything())" to be called 1 time(s). But has been called 0 time(s).


  • I managed to fix the optional parameter issue by using capture instead of verify e.g. before:

        verify(mockX.getUsers({key: 'val'}) ).once();


        const [opts] = capture(mockX.getUsers).last();
        expect(opts).toEqual({key: 'val'});