Given the following Yup schema:
const myValSchema = Yup.object().shape({
myGroups: Yup.array()
myName: Yup.string()
.required('Name is required')
mySelection: Yup.number().required('Selection is required'),
myHobbies: Yup.array().of(
hobbyName: Yup.string()
.required('Hobby name is required'),
hobbyLikes: Yup.number()
.when("dummy", {
is: (value) =>
mySelection === 99,
then: Yup.number().typeError('Value must be a number').required('Likes is required').positive(),
I need to validate hobbyLikes
only when the value of mySelection
outside of this shape equals 99 but I am unsure how to access this outside value.
Just unsure how to achieve this.
There was a GitHub issue for this requirement, but currently, it is closed and it seems that there are only workaround solutions for this problem.
You can use this work-around solution by using context.options.from[1]
by using custom test()
instead of using when()
to access a parent value:
const myValSchema = Yup.object().shape({
myGroups: Yup.array().of(
myName: Yup.string().required("Name is required"),
mySelection: Yup.number().required("Selection is required"),
myHobbies: Yup.array().of(
hobbyName: Yup.string().required("Hobby name is required"),
hobbyLikes: Yup.number()
.test("isSelection", "Likes is required", (value, context) => {
const currentSelectionValue =
if (
currentSelectionValue === "99" ||
currentSelectionValue === 99
) {
return value > 0;
return true;
You can take a look at this sandbox for a live working example of this workaround solution.