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How to set margins fot html2canvas for the entire page?

I'm trying to convert a html to pdf and to save it. I am using jsPDF and htmlToCanvas for it. I set a div over the entire page and take this in as an element. Only the table gets printed. I don't get the header, nor the div box below the table. I can mess things up and try to put them in the table, but I would prefer not work messy like that. How can make sure the entire page gets printed? Or how can I add multiple values to the DATA?

html page:

<div *ngIf="order" id="pdfOrder" #pdfOrder>

    <table id="productTable">

      <div class ="costbox">
                <button (click)="goback()">Back</button>
                <button (click)="confirmOrder()">Confirm</button>


relevant code in ts file:

  @ViewChild('pdfOrder') pdfOrder!: ElementRef;

  confirmOrder(): void {

    let DATA: any = document.getElementById('pdfOrder');
    html2canvas(DATA).then((canvas) => {
      let fileWidth = 208;
      let fileHeight =100; //(canvas.height * fileWidth) / canvas.width;
      const FILEURL = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
      let PDF = new jsPDF('p', 'mm', 'a4');
      let position = 0;
      PDF.addImage(FILEURL, 'PNG', 0, position, fileWidth, fileHeight);'test.pdf');


Html that should be printed:

enter image description here

screenshot of the output:

enter image description here


  • It is still unclear why it doesn't convert all elements within the div, but using DaTA = document.body gives the entire page.