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Is it possible to set rider as difftool in GitExtensions?

I couldn't find information on google whether you can assign the rider as a diff and merge tool in GitExtensions. There is no such option in GitExtensions by default

On GitHub Gist, there is only one mention of setting up rider as a global diffftool. However, even if the path to rider64.exe is specified correctly, and GitExtensions itself sees Rider as a diffftool, nothing happens when you try to run the application. Regardless of whether the IDE is open or not.


  • I also searched for this solution and came across the same mention. After several attempts, I finally managed to do it :)

    # Diff with JetBrains Rider
        tool = rider
        prompt = false
    [difftool "rider"]
        cmd = \"C:/your_path/rider64.exe\" diff \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"
        path = C:/your_path/rider64.exe
    # Merge with JetBrains Rider
        tool = rider
        prompt = false
    [mergetool "rider"]
        cmd = \"C:/your_path/rider64.exe\" merge \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" \"$BASE\" \"$MERGED\"
        path = C:/your_path/rider64.exe
        trustExitCode = true

    I made it globally in
